Free & Royalty-Free Stock 13 Obwohl die Haworthia fasciata aus Südafrika stammt und starke Sonne gewöhnt sein sollte, verträgt sie keinen vollsonnigen Standort.. An einem solchen schrumpfen die Blätter nicht nur, sondern verlieren auch noch ihre auffällige Maserung. Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) fasciata. Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) attenuata „Variegata“. Bei den in Gartencentern und Gärtnereien als Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) fasciata angebotenen Pflanzen handelt es sich meistens um Haworthiopsis attenuata. As a houseplant, “Zebra” succulents are easy to grow and look after. This cultivar has deep ribs and grooves that are highlighted with white shade, making it one of the showiest of all the Haworthias! Botanical Name: Haworthia fasciata ‘Super White Zebra’. However Haworthiopsis fasciata is rare in cultivation, and can easily be distinguished by the smooth upper (ie. Botanical Name: Haworthia limifolia f. variegata. I tried comparing to google, researching different forums. Help MUCH appreciated. Also known as zebra cactus, there are not just one or two of them but almost two dozens of plants with a striking striped appearance like a zebra skin. Botanical Name: Hawothiopsis attenuata ‘Enon’, This dwarf succulent shows off rosettes of short, fat, firm green leaves that change to yellow-red-tone in stress, with raised white spots. Die Pflege der beiden Arten ist identisch. The succulent leaves are tapered ("attenuata" means "tapering") and have bands of white tubercles on them. Botanical Name: Tulista pumila ‘Tenshi no Namida’. The plant care for both species is the same. This small stemless succulent commonly has a solitary rosette of hard, fleshy blue-green leaves covered with white bumps. Für das Ausbilden von Blüten ist ein kühler bis temperierter Winterstandort mit Temperaturen zwischen 10 und 20 °C ideal. Wild wachsend ist die Zebra-Haworthie unter Büschen oder zwischen hohen Gräsern zu finden. Botanical Name: Haworthia fasciata ‘Royal Albert’. Die Anzucht aus Blattstecklingen ist ebenfalls möglich, dauert aber länger. Primarily they are grown in … Bei den in Gartencentern und Gärtnereien als Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) fasciata angebotenen Pflanzen handelt es sich meistens um Haworthiopsis attenuata. H. attenuata has tuberculate upper leaf faces and those of H. fasciata it are smooth. Zudem sind die Blätter von H. fasciata von groben Fasern durchzogen. H aworthia Fasciata and Haworthia Attenuata are also known as “zebra succulent”, “zebra haworthia”, or “zebra cactus” (even though they are not a cactus!). This compact specimen forms a rosette of green to brown leaves that are covered with white bumps on both sides. Botanical Name: Haworthia fasciata ‘Alba’. It is an evergreen succulent plant with short leaves arranged in rosettes 6–12 cm in diameter. Standort / Licht There's a lot that are close to it, but nothing matches. It has a dark green color but obtains a rich purple-red shade in full sunlight. Haworthiopsis attenuata "Enon" Trivialname(n): Zebra-Haworthie Synonym(e): Haworthia attenuata "Enon" Familie: Grasbaumgewächse (Xanthorrhoeaceae), Unterfamilie Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae) Herkunft/Verbreitung: die Wildform stammt aus Südafrika Weitere Informationen: k. Watering. Wir verwenden Cookies zur Analyse des Datenverkehrs und um Anzeigen zu personalisieren. It is a compact specimen and looks great in mini pots! Die Blattoberfläche von Haworthiopsis fasciata ist glatt. It has small, smooth, and round white tubercles on wide, fatter leaves. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 9-11, you can leave the plant outdoors all year long and they can even be planted in ground. Wer zum Übergießen neigt, sollte eine lockere Mischung verwenden, zum Beispiel aus Blumenerde, Vogelsand und Tongranulat. Phonetic Spelling ha-worth-ee-OP-sis fash-ee-AY-tuh Description. Die Blattoberfläche von Haworthiopsis fasciata ist glatt. I have also seen this variety referred to as haworthiopsis attenuata and haworthia attenuata. Zebra succulent care is easy because Haworthia thrive on neglect, making them perfect plants for beginners.They also propagate easily through offsets, so you can multiply your collection without doing anything! A dog is an integral part of a family; that's why pet lovers always have a question in mind, Can Dogs Eat Walnuts? sie erhält dann soviel wasser, bis die erde nichts mehr aufnimmt. English: Haworthia fasciata (left) vs attenuata (right). However, H.fasciata is fibrous and has comparatively fatter leaves and has recognizable stripes on the outer sides only. Like the name suggests, its foliage has a bold pattern of white-colored veins that look fantastic on the dark green leaves. Its white tubercles occur only on the lower (outer) sides of its leaves; whereas H. attenuata has roughness or tubercles on both sides of its leaves. This striking succulent forms small rosettes of green leaves designed in white irregular bumps. It’s a small succulent featuring rosettes of light to dark or brown-green, fleshy narrow leaves, covered with bands of the same color as the foliage. In the wild, Haworthia Zebra plants are close to extinction from over-collecting. in den untersetzer ablaufende reste werden nach einigen minuten entfernt, denn staunässe kann zu wurzelfäule führen. radula f. variegata. Note: This succulent is often confused with Haworthiopsis fasciata–you can easily differentiate among two as H. attenuata has white tubercles that appear on both the outer and inner surfaces of leaves. Die heiße Sommersonne wird nach Gewöhnung vertragen, ist aber nicht zwingend notwendig für das gute Gedeihen dieser Pflanze. Comparison of the upper surface of leaves. The extraordinary feature of this aloe variety is the raised white bumps on fleshy green leaves with spiny tips. It grows up to 6″ in height and diameter. It also has flowers. Haworthiopsis species are heavily traded for medicinal purposes and can usually be found in large numbers in muthi markets. Ideal sind helle, absonnige bis halbschattige Standorte, gerne mit Morgen-, Abend- und Wintersonne. Botanical Name: Haworthia limifolia var. I have looked and looked and looked! This popular succulent is very similar to and often confused with Haworthiopsis fasciata. This plant looks very similar to Haworthia fasciata, but the white stripes are bumpier and on both sides of the leaves. Botanical Name: Haworthia attenuata v. glabrata. You have entered an incorrect email address! The most preferred species in the Eastern Cape seem to be H. attenuata, whereas there is a preference for H. limifolia outside of the Eastern Cape. It turns orange-red if placed in full sun. Haworthiopsis attenuata verträgt keine nassen Füße. Haworthiopsis attenuata ‘Super White’ as it came from Succulent Market on 8-27-20, #742-5.. Zebra Plant, Zebra Haworthia. Botanical Name: Haworthia reinwardtii var conspicua. Read... © 2020 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved, 21 Different Types of Zebra Plant Varieties, Check out our article on growing Haworthias, Check out the stunning tiger pattern houseplants, DIY Leaf Bowl Centerpiece | Making a Leaf Bowl, How to Grow Flowering Kalanchoe Indoors | Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Care, Potted Christmas Tree: Norfolk Island Pine Pictures to Win Your Heart, 10 Indoor Plants that Reduce Respiratory Problems, 40+ Christmas Decoration with Plants Ideas on Instagram. The common name of this succulent is Zebra Wart; this small perennial variety produces a basal rosette of fleshy leaves arranged in a spiral pattern with raised white-bumps. A succulent native to South Africa. This cultivar forms many upright columnar leaf-clad stems from an offset base. Während der Wachstumszeit, von April bis Mitte Oktober kann durchdringend gegossen werden. This type is commonly known as Variegated Zebra plant.. ‘Super White’ has white bumps stripes on the outer side of plumped green leaves. Much more common than the similar-looking Zebra Haworthia (Haworthiopsis fasciata), which can be distinguished by the lack of bumps or ridges on the top surfaces of its leaves. One of the most beautiful aloe varieties, it features small fat foliage with white streaks on green leaves. The two species are frequently confused and fasciata is much much rarer in cultivation. The foliage is fleshy, tough, upright, often pointed, and incurved. ‘Donut’ is a small attractive succulent with rosettes of green leaves covered with donut-shaped tubercles. Wenn Sie die Website weiter nutzen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Tubular brown-white flowers appear in the summertime. And If Free & Royalty-Free Stock 13 Types Of Haworthia For Small Spaces! Haworthia attenuata. Read More. ‘Emperor’ features long, pointed, fleshy grey-green leaves covered with uneven pure white raised spots. Beschreibung Haworthiopsis fasciata ‘Super Zebra’, früher bekannt als Haworthia fasciata ‘Super Zebra’ ist eine kleine Sukkulente, die Rosetten aus dreieckigen, dunkelgrünen Blättern mit überwiegend weißen horizontalen Streifen auf der Unterseite und weißen Punkten auf der Oberseite bildet. Pflanzen die neben der Heizung stehen dürfen. Der Ursprung dieser Sorte von Haworthiopsis attenuata ist unbekannt. This petite variety forms a cluster of dark black-green pointed foliage with raised white tubercles on the leaf surface. It is popular as a house plant, due to its resistance to drought and general hardiness. ist ein Projekt von Frau-Doktor. The leaves are dark green and are pointed, but have yellow or cream-colored spots and bands, which gives it the classic variegated look. Haworthie mit gedrehten Blättern. Haworthiopsis Attenuata Haworthiopsis Attenuata 'Crazed Glaze' Haworthiopsis Granulata Haworthiopsis Haworthiopsis Fasciata - Details Separating Haworthiopsis For Propagation Zebra Plant, Plants, Sun, Water Aeonium Ballerina Cutting (x1) Portulacaria Afra F. Variegata All You Wanted To Know About Haworthias, Gasterias And … Haworthia attenuata … Im ersten Jahr nach dem Kauf oder Umtopfen ist keine Düngung erforderlich. Haworthiopsis fasciata Note: Nearly all plants labeled as "Haworthiopsis fasciata" are in fact "Haworthiopsis attenuata" . They have green and triangular leaves, with narrow white-tipped stripes on the outer side and a non-acute spine at the end. In shade the body color will remain mostly green, while full sun will darken it and give it red/brown body color. The similar species Haworthiopsis attenuata is often mistaken for or mislabeled as this plant– they can be distinguished by the fact that H. fasciata has smooth surfaces on the upper leaves.. See this plant in the following landscape: Haworthia fasciata care (aka zebra plant succulent or striped succulent) Haworthia fasciata, aka the Zebra plant succulent or striped succulent, is probably one of the most popular varieties of haworthia. 7 Herbs You Can Grow In Water Indoors All Year Round, 18 Beautiful DIY Plant Gift Ideas for Christmas, Can Dogs Eat Walnuts | Are Walnuts Safe for Dogs. Haworthiopsis attenuata "Lime" Origin: Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Botanical Name: Haworthia fasciata ‘Big band’. Just like the name, this beautiful clump-forming evergreen perennial is adorned with attractive broad white stripes or bands over fleshy dark green leaves. Botanical Name: Tulista opalina (M.Hayashi) Breuer. I thought Haworthiopsis attenuata, but I couldn't find the specific name. The Fasciata is supposedly more rarer than the Attenuata and seems to have fatter leaves. Die Vermehrung durch das Abtrennen von Seitentrieben ist einfach. Another difference is that the leaves of H. fasciata are fibrous. coarctata vs reinwardtii I don’t try too hard to distinguish between coarctata and reinwardtii (for a particular candidate in question), considering characteristics of Haworthiopsis are highly dependent on growing conditions, and often vary within an individual plant itself. Zimmertemperatur ganzjährig wird aber auch vertragen. radula. H. fasciata features horizontal white stripes and is sometimes called the zebra Haworthia. However, it can easily be distinguished by its white tubercles, which occur on both upper and lower surfaces of leaves, while H. fasciata has tubercles only on the underside. Ob Sie eine H. attenuata oder H. fasciata erworben haben, können Sie an der Oberfläche der Blätter erkennen. More Galleries of Haworthiopsis Fasciata :. Haworthiopsis Attenuata ‘Zebra Plant’ can tolerate mild frost and freezing temperatures as long as they are not for long periods of time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hawothiopsis fasciata plants are small in size, growing up to 4-6 inches tall. Clusters of pink-white blooms appear in spring. Botanical Name: Haworthiopsis attenuata var. Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) attenuata „Big Band“. H. bolusii have "tufted" edges to the leaves. Auch in purem Bimskies wächst sie gut. Haworthia fasciata has a smooth green surface on the inside of the leaves. Botanical Name: Haworthiopsis attenuata var. 20 DIY Indoor Plant Shelves Ideas that You’d Definitely Want! There are several very similar cultivars labeled as Haworthiopsis attenuata 'Super Clone' or Haworthia attenuata 'Super Clone', Haworthiopsis fasciata 'Super Clone' or Haworthia fasciata 'Super Clone', Haworthiopsis attenuata 'Super White' or Haworthia attenuata 'Super White', Haworthiopsis fasciata 'Super White' or Haworthia fasciata 'Super White', Haworthiopsis attenuata 'Wide Zebra' or Haworthia … This attractive slow-growing rare succulent produces rosettes of fleshy, hard, light green leaves coated with shiny transparent tubercles. The leaves are upright, tough, often pointed, and incurved. Das Substrat muss austrocknen dürfen zwischen den Wassergaben. This charming succulent forms a rosette with variegated leaves, triangular to ovate, in green and cream hues. However, H.fasciata is fibrous and has comparatively fatter leaves and has recognizable stripes on the outer sides only. Haworthia reinwardtii (Zebra Wart) vom frühjahr bis in den herbst darf die haworthie (haworthia attenuata) durchdringend gegossen werden. Coming next in the Different Types of Zebra Plants is the pearl plant. Perfect for modern decor, these 21 Different Types of Zebra Plants are easy to grow as well. It gets a red-brown hue in full sun. Die Zebra-Haworthie direkt nach dem Kauf (links) und 3 Jahre später (rechts). The small fleshy succulents are native to South Africa, where they grow in rock crevices in hot arid climates. bis zur nächsten wassergabe lässt man das substrat dann austrocknen. In dieser Zeit hat sie zweimal organischen Flüssigdünger erhalten. This fasciata variety has zebra-like wide white-green streaks on the outside of the green fleshy leaves. inner) surfaces of its leaves. Haworthiopsis attenuata, ranije Haworthia attenuata, poznatija kao zebra havortia, je mala sukulentna biljka poreklom iz provincije Istočnog Kejpa, Južna Afrika.Gaji se kao ukrasna biljka, i u pitanju je najčešće kultivisana biljka iz Haworthiopsis roda Provide strong light. striata Pilbeam. This beautiful ornamental aloe has green and white patterned fleshy green foliage with toothed edges. Haworthiopsis Attenuata Zebra Plant, Plants, Sun, Water Is This Succulent What I Think It Is? Haworthiopsis attenuata 'Spacious Zebra', früher als Haworthia attenuata 'Spacious Zebra' bezeichnet, ist a winziger Sukkulent, der Rosetten aus dreieckigen, dunklen, unerfahrenen Blättern bildet, wobei weiße horizontale Streifen auf der Unterseite und weiße Punkte auf der größeren Oberfläche überwiegen. Also known as File Leafed Haworthia, this delightful succulent has broad, triangular to ovate dark green leaves with raised bumps. Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” has typical watering needs for a succulent. Date: 31 August 2016, 08:19:52: Source: Own work: Author: Abu Shawka: Licensing . The offsets can be pulled off and planted/potted seperately or left to form a large clump. It forms large clumps of long stems covered with robust succulent dark green leaves having white ribbing. Es eignen sich Flüssigdünger für Grünpflanzen, Blühpflanzen oder organische Gemüsedünger. A very attractive and eye-catching lime to whitish-green coloured cultivar of this species. It’s best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.. Where to Plant. The lines are very pronounced and give it a zebra skin-like appearance. Mit Ausnahme der heißen Sommerwochen von Mitte Juli bis Mitte August. The main difference between the two species (H. fasciata - H. attenuata) is the Haworthia fasciata has smoother inner leaves unlike the H. attenuata that displays tubercles (warty growths). Haworthiopsis attenuata kann in Fertigmischungen für Zimmerpflanzen, Sukkulenten, Kräuter oder Gemüse gepflanzt werden. Please double-check before labeling image. Haworthiopsis attenuata (links) und H. fasciata (rechts). The plants offered in garden centres and nurseries as Haworthiopsis (Haworthia) fasciata are mostly Haworthiopsis attenuata. It features rosettes of fleshy variegated dark green leaves, mottled with uneven patterns of creamy-white, yellow, or pink variegation with white bumps on both sides. Lizenziert unter CC BY-SA 3.0, "Haworthia margaritifera" von Tangopaso, "Haworthia reinwardtii" by Chhe, "Haworthia fasciata" von S Molteno unter CC0 über Wikimedia Commons. Haworthia attenuata also usually has longer, skinnier leaves. You will probably have the ID in under 5 minutes. "Haworthia attenuata" von Andrew Butko, „Haworthia venosa ssp tessellata“ von Stan Shebs. Haworthiopsis attenuata ’Super White’ ’Super White’ The dark green leaves have raised white tubercles. Note: This succulent is often confused with Haworthiopsis fasciata–you can easily differentiate among two as H. attenuata has white tubercles that appear on both the outer and inner surfaces of leaves. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: Haworthiopsis attenuata "Big Band" Trivialname(n): Zebra-Haworthie Synonym(e): Haworthia fasciata "Big Band" Familie: Grasbaumgewächse (Xanthorrhoeaceae), Unterfamilie Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae) Herkunft/Verbreitung: Südafrika Weitere Informationen: k. Haworthiopsis attenuata, often mislabeled as H. fasciata, is a popular plant known as the Zebra Plant for its attractive horizontal white bands on the back surface of the leaves. Help ID See How To Grow Haworthia Succulents Indoors Aloe Ramosissima Any Advice On How To Take Care Of This Little Guy? This succulent plant forms large clumps in its native habitat. This impressive aloe forms a rosette of deep green foliage with raise white spots and serrated edges. The species subdivides and offsets readily; in the wild it forms large clumps. Flüssigdünger kann im Frühjahr und Sommer gegeben werden. Commonly known as zebra haworthia or zebra plant, it is an attractive, low-growing succulent that produces a rosette of tough, dark green leaves with white tubers. How to Grow and Care for Chinese Money Plant How to Grow and Care for String of Dolphins This small, slow-growing succulent produces beautiful rosettes of olive green to brown triangular leaves covered with raised white bumps. Haworthia attenuata f. variegata. Haworthia attenuata multiplies prolifically by offsetting. Dann und im Winter wird nur schlückchenweise gewässert. H. attenuata features long, pointed green leaves. Die Pflege der beiden Arten ist identisch. Die ist bei H. attenuata mit Noppen überzogen und bei H. fasciata glatt. Haworthia fasciata has the newer botanical name Haworthiopsis fasciata. The Haworthias das Abtrennen von Seitentrieben ist einfach zum Übergießen neigt, sollte lockere! Smooth green surface on the inside of the leaves bei H. attenuata oder H. fasciata glatt fleshy succulents easy... Due to its resistance to drought and general hardiness: Tulista opalina M.Hayashi... Ideas that You ’ d Definitely Want attenuata oder H. fasciata von groben Fasern haworthiopsis attenuata vs fasciata ’... Ersten Jahr nach dem Kauf oder Umtopfen ist keine Düngung erforderlich und Tongranulat a bold pattern white-colored., sun, Water is this succulent What I Think it is fasciata it are.! Attractive broad white stripes or bands over fleshy dark green leaves features white. ‘ Zebra plant ’ can tolerate mild frost and freezing temperatures as as... 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Fleshy leaves wachsend ist die Zebra-Haworthie unter Büschen oder zwischen hohen Gräsern zu finden ( )!

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