In such cases We believe that the workers should be allocated shares in the firms for which they work, especially when they are paid no more than a minimum wage. There is, alas, a spirit of hedonism abroad today which beguiles men into thinking that life is nothing more than the quest for pleasure and the satisfaction of human passions. In 1961, the year of the promulgation of Mater et Magistra, U.S. agriculture produced 3.6 billion bushels of corn, 1.2 billion bushels of wheat, and 679 million bushels of soybeans. The Church has always emphasized that this obligation of helping those who are in misery and want should be felt most strongly by Catholics, in view of the fact that they are members of the Mystical Body of Christ. There cannot be peace or justice on earth until all of humanity recognizes the dignity of humans as creations of God. 219. 70. (32) Hence private ownership must be considered as a guarantee of the essential freedom of the individual, and at the same time an indispensable element in a true social order. But the common good also requires the public authorities, in assessing the amount of tax payable, take cognizance of the peculiar difficulties of farmers. Mother and Teacher of all nations—such is the Catholic Church in the mind of her Founder, Jesus Christ; to hold the world in an embrace of love, that men, in every age, should find in her their own completeness in a higher order of living, and their ultimate salvation. Hence, the Leonine encyclical is rightly regarded, even today, as the Magna Charta (9) of social and economic reconstruction. Furthermore, a suitable economic and social policy must be devised which will take into account the supply of labor, the drift of population, wages, taxes, credit, and the investing of money, especially in expanding industries. Increase in production and productive efficiency is, of course, sound policy, and indeed a vital necessity. 166. In all this she is but giving effect to those principles which Christ Himself established in the Church He founded. This means that everything must be done to ensure that social progress keeps pace with economic progress. 119. (43) Encyclical letter Summi Pontificatus: AAS 31 (1939) 428-29. On this score alone the right of the Church to full liberty in the exercise of her mission must be recognized. This has been her course now for nigh on two thousand years, from the early ministrations of her deacons right down to the present time. 199. In using their various organizations, agricultural workers—as indeed all other classes of workers—must always be guided by moral principles and respect for the civil law. It in no way corresponds to the contribution they make to the good of the community, to the profits of the company for which they work, and to the general national economy. In politics, too, it is of no small consequence that citizens are becoming daily more aware of their responsibility for furthering the common good in all spheres of life. But it is not enough to assert that the right to own private property and the means of production is inherent in human nature. It is inherent in the very right of private ownership. Indeed, they cannot as a rule make the trading profit necessary to furnish capital for the conduct and development of their own business. Pope Leo XIII also defended the worker's natural right to enter into association with his fellows. 156. One’s wages ought to reflect one’s contribution to a company. Now, if ever, is the time to insist on a more widespread distribution of property, in view of the rapid economic development of an increasing number of States. 234. It is well-known that in recent years in the larger industrial concerns distinction has been growing between the ownership of productive goods and the responsibility of company managers. Again, some countries use primitive methods of agriculture, with the result that, for all their abundance of natural resources, they are not able to produce enough food to feed their population; whereas other countries, using modern methods of agriculture, produce a surplus of food which has an adverse effect on the economy. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE JOHN XXIII ON CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIAL PROGRESS. What further proof need we of the permanent validity of the solidly grounded principles, practical directives and fatherly appeals contained in this masterly encyclical? It is of the utmost importance that parents exercise their right and obligation toward the younger generation by securing for their children a sound cultural and religious formation. Here We would like to express Our sincere appreciation of the work which the F.A.0. It taught that the state must sometimes intervene in matters of health care, He consists also of spirit; he is endowed with reason and freedom. John XXIII also wrote extensively on the relationship between workers and managers, whose relationship ought to be “re-established” based on justice and equity. And yet this very need for religion reveals a man for what he is: a being created by God and tending always toward God. Hence, when rulers of nations appeal to justice and the demands of justice, they not only disagree on terms, but often increase the tension that exists between their States. In conducting their human affairs to the best of their ability, they must recognize that they are doing a service to humanity, in intimate union with God through Christ, and to God's greater glory. 232. 91. 133. Just as Jesus’ primary mission was humankind’s eternal salvation, He too fed the hungry and was concerned for worldly needs. 69. It is a task which belongs particularly to Our sons, the laity, for it is their lot to live an active life in the world and organize themselves for the attainment of temporal ends. 40. We should notice at this point that the right of private ownership is clearly sanctioned by the Gospel. 124. The developing nations, obviously, have certain unmistakable characteristics of their own, resulting from the nature of the particular region and the natural dispositions of their citizens, with their time-honored traditions and customs. ?ONE OF THESE ENCYCLICALS ISMATER ET MAGISTRAMater et Magistra is also known as "Mother and Teacher of all nations"It explains the common good as a … Furthermore, these two categories of citizens—craftsmen and members of cooperatives—are fully entitled to these watchful measures of the State, for they are upholding true human values and contributing to the advance of civilization. 190. A nation that acted from these motives would in fact be introducing a new form of colonialism—cleverly disguised, no doubt, but actually reflecting that older, outdated type from which many nations have recently emerged. 137. We, no less than Our predecessors, are convinced that employees are justified in wishing to participate in the activity of the industrial concern for which they work. 216. After all this scientific and technical progress, and even because of it, the problem remains: how to build up a new order of society based on a more balanced human relationship between political communities on a national and international level? 164. The title means "mother and teacher", referring to the role of the church. 31. Some of these were little more than ephemeral; others have undergone, and are still undergoing, substantial change; others again are proving themselves less and less attractive to modern man. They think more highly of an income which derives from capital and the rights of capital. No age but hears her warning voice, vibrant with heavenly wisdom. (52) God certainly has the right and power to command man to devote one day a week to his duty of worshipping the eternal Majesty. (48), 243. They are necessary, too, if they are to attain an equal footing with other professional classes who, in most cases, have joined together in associations. 175. Among these is a man's right and duty to be primarily responsible for his own upkeep and that of his family. By their combined efforts thousands of young people are being given facilities for attending the universities of the more advanced countries, and acquiring an up-to-date scientific, technical and professional training. 203. To the performance of it We call, not only Our own sons and brothers scattered throughout the world, but also men of goodwill everywhere. 165. International and regional organizations, national and private societies, all are working towards this goal, increasing day to day the measure of their own technical co-operation in all productive spheres. . It "secures for the father of a family the healthy liberty he needs in order to fulfil the duties assigned him by the Creator regarding the physical, spiritual and religious welfare of the family." When this happens, they should be careful not to lose their respect and esteem for each other. 209. It describes a necessity to work towards authentic community in order to promote human dignity. (46), The Real Source of Justice, Truth and Love. Each fears that the other harbors plans of conquest and is only waiting for a favorable moment to put these plans into effect. And another thing happening today is that people are aiming at proficiency in their trade or profession rather than the acquisition of private property. Of its very nature the true aim of all social activity should be to help members of the social body, but never to destroy or absorb them." This is the second post on my thoughts on Mater et Magistra, based on the discussions of my reading group. They realize then the supreme importance of spiritual and moral values, if scientific and technical progress is to be used in the service of civilization, and not involve the whole human race in irremediable disaster. 213. They opened out new horizons for the activity of the universal Church, and the Supreme Shepherd, by giving expression to the hardships and sufferings and aspirations of the lowly and oppressed, made himself the champion and restorer of their rights. History itself bears this out, for the Church is present everywhere on earth, doing all that she can to embrace all peoples. 46. They will thus win those people who are opposed to it through ignorance of it. Surely his salvation is near to them that fear him: that glory may dwell in our land. 210. 60. Accordingly, We make Our own the directive of Our Predecessor Pius XII: "In defending the principle of private ownership the Church is striving after an important ethico-social end. In view of this it is strange that the innate character of a right which derives its force and validity from the fruitfulness of work should ever be called in question—a right which constitutes so efficacious a means of asserting one's personality and exercising responsibility in every field, and an element of solidity and security for family life and of greater peace and prosperity in the State. The nations of the world are becoming more and more dependent on one another and it will not be possible to preserve a lasting peace so long as glaring economic and social imbalances persist. (56) The man who is "light in the Lord" (57) and who walks as a "child of the light" (58) has a sure grasp of the fundamental demands of justice in all life's difficulties and complexities, obscured though they may be by so much individual, national and racial selfishness. 171. 147. On the one hand we are shown the fearful specter of want and misery which threatens to extinguish human life, and on the other hand we find scientific discoveries, technical inventions and economic resources being used to provide terrible instruments of ruin and death. Nothing is said in the second of these commandments about destroying nature. Hence each organizes its own defense and builds up munitions of war as a deterrent against the would-be aggressor. 22. What’s interesting is that this site is built to facilitate creation and sharing of e-books online for free, so there is no registration It is a work, however, which needs to be increased, and We hope that the years ahead will see the wealthier nations making even greater efforts for the scientific, technical and economic advancement of those political communities whose development is still only in its initial stages. 72. Rural workers should feel a sense of solidarity with one another, and should unite to form co-operatives and professional associations. 61. In some countries arable land abounds, but there is a scarcity of population; whereas in other countries the position is reversed: the population is large, arable land scarce. On the contrary, it must do all in its power to promote the production of a sufficient supply of material goods, "the use of which is necessary for the practice of virtue." They are not supreme values in themselves. 93. In the work on the farm the human personality finds every incentive for self-expression, self-development and spiritual growth. 215. Everything must be done to ensure that citizens of the less developed areas are treated as responsible human beings, and are allowed to play the major role in achieving their own economic, social and cultural advancement. Read Mater et Magistra 200. To this end, a sane view of the common good must be present and operative in men invested with public authority. 262. Economic and social policies should be pursued that will increase the distribution of property and ownership in business enterprises. She is "the pillar and ground of the truth." Where this is secured in a permanent way, a people will be, in a true sense, economically rich, because the general well-being, and consequently the personal right of all to the use of worldly goods, is thus actuated in conformity with the purpose willed by the Creator." This means that workers are able to save more and thus acquire a certain amount of property of their own. (34). (28), 77. But the justification of all government action is the common good. 108. Further, history and experience testify that in those political regimes which do not recognize the rights of private ownership of goods, productive included, the exercise of freedom in almost every other direction is suppressed or stifled. In the majority of cases a man's work is his sole means of livelihood. First, one reviews the concrete situation; secondly, one forms a judgment on it in the light of these same principles; thirdly, one decides what in the circumstances can and should be done to implement these principles. 94. More and more men are beginning to realize that science has so far done little more than scratch the surface of nature and reality. Certainly, the Church teaches—and has always taught—that scientific and technical progress and the resultant material well-being are good things and mark an important phase in human civilization. [2] Every human should work to lead to the perfection of their own soul; society can only be transformed with the ferment of the Gospel. In this connection, as Our Predecessor clearly points out, it is advisable in the present circumstances that the wage-contract be somewhat modified by applying to it elements taken from the contract of partnership, so that "wage-earners and other employees participate in the ownership or the management, or in some way share in the profits." However, it is no less necessary—and justice itself demands—that the riches produced be distributed fairly among all members of the political community. 64. As for the State, its whole raison d'etre is the realization of the common good in the temporal order. As these mutual ties binding the men of our age one to the other grow and develop, governments will the more easily achieve a right order the more they succeed in striking a balance between the autonomous and active collaboration of individuals and groups, and the timely coordination and encouragement by the State of these private undertakings. In particular, they take little account of certain inevitable human weaknesses such as sickness and suffering, weaknesses which even the most advanced economic and social systems cannot completely eliminate. Future generations are secured through education which allows for a sound cultural and religious formation. As a rule no single commonwealth has sufficient resources at its command to solve the more important scientific, technical, economic, social, political and cultural problems which confront it at the present time. But if the family farm is not to go bankrupt it must make enough money to keep the family in reasonable comfort. (40) [Hence], it is necessary to educate one's conscience to the sense of responsibility which weighs upon each and every one, especially upon those who are more blessed with this world's goods." This must take into account tax policies, credit, social insurance, prices, the fostering of ancillary industries and the adjustment of the structure of farming as a business enterprise. And so the words of the Psalmist about the worshippers of false gods are strikingly verified today. Moreover, the time has come to promote in agricultural regions the establishment of those industries and services which are concerned with the preservation, processing and transportation of farm products. Among citizens of the same political community there is often a marked degree of economic and social inequality. XXIII, Litt. 90. 218. He feels himself free in the very depth of his being, and freely raised up to God. The right of private ownership of goods, including productive goods, has permanent validity. First he taught what the supreme criterion in economic matters ought not to be. 37. It taught that the state must sometimes intervene in matters of health care, education, and … 238. She has formulated, particularly over the past hundred years, and through the efforts of a very well informed body of priests and laymen, a social doctrine which points out with clarity the sure way to social reconstruction. Against this dark background, the brilliance of his teaching stands out in clear relief. Since the writings on economics by previous Popes, the world had seen tremendous changes such as the discovery of nuclear energy, advanced communications, and political independence movements. 233. Such action would, moreover, have harmful impact on international relations, and constitute a menace to world peace. Men are losing their own identity in their works, which they admire to the point of idolatry: "The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold, the works of the hands of men." (33) This demand arises from the moral dignity of work. Where this situation obtains, justice and equity demand that public authority try to eliminate or reduce such imbalances. 151. He makes his own their needs, their sufferings and their joys. Drawn together by their common needs nations are becoming daily more interdependent. 58. The Church has the right and obligation not merely to guard ethical and religious principles, but also to declare its authoritative judgment in the matter of putting these principles into practice. This, of course, is not to deny the lawfulness of State and public ownership of productive goods, especially those which "carry with them a power too great to be left to private individuals without injury to the community at large." These, then, are the educational principles which must be put into effect. In this complex process, Mater et magistra is undoubtedly recognized today as a remarkably innovative text, a true preannouncement of the … First, with regard to agriculture, it would not appear that the rural population as a whole is decreasing, but it is an undeniable fact that many people are moving away from their farms into more thickly populated areas as well as into the cities themselves. In recent times, this tendency has given rise to the formation everywhere of both national and international movements, associations and institutions with economic, cultural, social, sporting, recreational, professional and political ends. It had given rise to a great accumulation of wealth, and, in the process, concentrated a despotic economic power in the hands of a few "who for the most part are not the owners, but only the trustees and directors of invested funds, which they administer at their own good pleasure.'' The magnitude of his achievements deserves ungrudging admiration; nor is he yet at the end of his resources. 39. On the subject of work, Pius XII repeated the teaching of the Leonine encyclical, maintaining that a man's work is at once his duty and his right. In helping these nations, therefore, the more advanced communities must recognize and respect this individuality. 163. Istruzione sulla Santa Romana Chiesa Cattolica Consigli per raggiungere Paradiso! Pius XI was not unaware of the fact that in the forty years that had supervened since the publication of the Leonine encyclical the historical scene had altered considerably. There is a sureness of touch in all his activity in every field. 185. 112. Our predecessors have insisted time and again on the social function inherent in the right of private ownership, for it cannot be denied that in the plan of the Creator all of this world's goods are primarily intended for the worthy support of the entire human race. 128. Truth is sprung out of the earth: and justice hath looked down from heaven. 236. Such services as these are necessary nowadays if a becoming standard of living is to be maintained. Hence, the real solution of the problem is not to be found in expedients which offend against the divinely established moral order and which attack human life at its very source, but in a renewed scientific and technical effort on man's part to deepen and extend his dominion over Nature. It is, as we saw, the creation of men who are free and autunomous by nature—though they must, of course, recognize and, in a sense, obey the laws of economic development and social progress, and cannot altogether escape from the pressure of environment. In view of the rapid expansion of national economies, particularly since the war, there is one very important social principle to which We would draw your attention. We must also express here Our heartfelt appreciation of the work that is being done by the International Labor Organization—popularly known in various countries as the O.I.L. The Participation of Workers in Specific Enterprises. 36. 242. Its remuneration, therefore, cannot be made to depend on the state of the market. They must try to reconcile their rights and interests with those of other classes of workers, and even subordinate the one to the other if the common good demands it. © 2020 All Rights Reserved, In Laudato Si, a letter addressed to all the people of the world, Pope Francis presents a clear and compelling case for placing people at, "If we love others with charity, then first of all we are just toward them." 162. In such circumstances, they must, of course, bear themselves as Catholics and do nothing to compromise religion and morality. 145. Moreover, in recent years, as we have seen, the productive efficiency of many national economies has been increasing rapidly. Forty years after the appearance of this magnificent summary of Christian social principles, Our Predecessor, Pius XI, published his own encyclical, Quadragesimo Anno. Even on the natural level temperance and simplicity of life are the dictates of sound policy. The demands of the common good on the international level include: the avoidance of all forms of unfair competition between the economies of different countries; the fostering of mutual collaboration and good will; and effective co-operation in the development of economically less advanced communities. As we read in St. Augustine: "Lord, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts can find no rest until they rest in you". Mater et Magistra marks the beginning of a transition in the ethical methodology of Catholic Social Teaching towards a more inductive approach. As the Pope Speaks, 7 ( April, 1962 ), California Missions / Saint Junipero,. 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